Peter Stewart
Richard Branson
Former US Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty
Warren Buffett, Berkshire-Hathaway

On December 23, 2024, the regular Annual General Assembly of the Business Compliance Association was successfully held. During the assembly, the financial report of the Association and the report on […]
And this year, Belgrade will host the largest Compliance conference in the region, organized by the Association for Compliance in Business. Like last year, the conference will be held at […]
The Code of Responsible Business (“Code”) represents the Association’s code of ethics, which promotes universal values and behaviors in accordance with those values, and which can be applied in all […]
On 03.11.2023. The Annual Conference of the Corporate Compliance Association: ” Change of Perspective ” was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade. More than 180 participants, lecturers and […]
About the association

The Association for Compliance in Business is a non-profit and independent professional association, founded in 2018. in Belgrade, which brings together and voluntarily joins natural and legal persons, for the purpose of developing and promoting business ethics, compliance and corporate culture as necessary prerequisites for the successful and sustainable development of every company, market, and society as a whole.
The association gathers individuals and companies that advocate for the establishment and respect of a fundamental value system in everyday business.
Acting in this direction, the founders, members, partners and associates of the Association recognized the fact that a multilateral and multidisciplinary approach to the principles of fairness, transparency, conscientiousness, good customs and fair relations between companies would also make a significant contribution to other spheres of social life.
About the association

The Association for Compliance in Business is a non-profit and independent professional association, founded in 2018. in Belgrade, which brings together and voluntarily joins natural and legal persons, for the purpose of developing and promoting business ethics, compliance and corporate culture as necessary prerequisites for the successful and sustainable development of every company, market, and society as a whole.
The association gathers individuals and companies that advocate for the establishment and respect of a fundamental value system in everyday business.
Acting in this direction, the founders, members, partners and associates of the Association recognized the fact that a multilateral and multidisciplinary approach to the principles of fairness, transparency, conscientiousness, good customs and fair relations between companies would also make a significant contribution to other spheres of social life.
Corporate members

Association partners

In achieving its goals, the Association cooperates with various associations, institutes, educational and scientific institutions and other subjects in the country and abroad.
This cooperation implies joint action and support in the implementation of specific projects and activities, but also general support for the improvement of Compliance culture and ethics in business, and the promotion of the role and importance of the Compliance function in companies.

Calendar of events

Become a member